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ATLAS COPCO (type) 260/(type) 280 BERG alternative element filter (new)




Product number: 38332603
Manufacturer: BERG Kompressoren GmbH
Stock: 10
Product information "ATLAS COPCO (type) 260/(type) 280 BERG alternative element filter (new)"
ATLAS COPCO (type) 260/(type) 280 BERG alternative element filter

Special item for ATLAS COPCO Alternative Element Filter
BAC(type)260 AL equals (type) 260/(type) 280
Atlas copco Element filter BERG Element filter BERG Item number
DD 260 / DD 280 BAC DD 260/M 38332602
PD 260 / PD 280 BAC PD 260/S 38332603
QD 260 / QD 280 BAC QD 260/A 38332604
Particle retention 0,1 µm 0,01 µm activated
Solids - q. class (ISO 8573-1) 2 1 1*
Oils -q. class (ISO 8573-1) 2 1 1
Filter media  borosilicate
Operating temp. range[℃] 1,5 to 65 1,5 to 65 1,5 to 45
Diff. pressure (new) [mbar] 50 80 60
*Valid if "S" filter cartridge is installed upstream

according to ISO 8573-1: 2010
Quality class Solid particles, max. Number of particles per m3 Pressure dew point
Oil (including oil vapor)
(mg / m3)
0.1 μm - 0.5 μm  0.5 μm - 1.0 μm 1.0 μm - 5.0 μm
0 stricter requirements than Class 1
1 ≤ 20,000 ≤ 400 ≤ 10 ≤ -70 ≤ 0.01
2 ≤ 400,000 ≤ 6,000 ≤ 100 ≤ -40 ≤ 0.1
3 - ≤ 90,000 ≤ 1,000 ≤ -20 ≤ 1
4 - - ≤ 10,000 ≤ +3 ≤ 5
5 - - ≤ 100,000 ≤ +7 > 5 
6 - - - ≤ +10 -